RISC Cluster Members + Project Team

Cluster Members
Dean Alonistiotis
Chief of Staff to Commissioner Kim Du Buclet, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Chicago, IL
Dean helped lead efforts on launching the City of Chicago’s first impact investment fund, integrating socially responsible investment strategies to their investment portfolio as well as supporting small businesses to create impactful economic development opportunities across Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods. He works for MWRD, a water/wastewater utility serving over ten million residents in the Greater Chicago area. More Info
Evie Bauman
Director of Sustainability, City of South Bend, IL
Sonia Brubaker
Chief Resilience Officer, City of Miami, FL
Sonia is a newly appointed CRO for the City of Miami. Previously, as the Director for USEPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, she worked across the nation to help local leaders make informed drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure decisions by providing expertise and oversee research on topics such as financial planning, affordability of water services, financing partnerships, and other innovative financing approaches.
Lottie Ferguson
Lottie Ferguson, Vice President of Development, Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Mike Foley
Director - Department of Sustainability, Cuyahoga County, OH
Ken Hall, PEM
Hazard Mitigation Coordinator, City of Lansing, MI
Ron Harris
Chief Resilience Officer, City of Minneapolis, MN
Valerie Katz
Deputy Director of Sustainability, Cuyahoga County, OH
Marcella Bondie Keenan, AICP, LEED AP
Sustainability Coordinator, Village of Oak Park, IL
Rebecca Kiernan
Principal Resilience Planner, City of Pittsburgh, PA
Rebecca focuses on building social, ecological, economic, and physical resilience to city-wide shocks and stresses. She develops and executes relevant analyses, plans and implementation projects for the City of Pittsburgh, serves on the City’s Shade Tree Commission and the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority Municipal Oversight Committee, and helped develop the Pittsburgh Watershed Resilience Accelerator Program.
Tim Kingsland
Storm Water District/MS4 Coordinator, Hobart Sanitary/Storm Water District, IN
Deb Kutska
Sustainability Program Manager, Cook County Department of Environment & Sustainability, IL
Matthew Lake
Executive Director, Merrillville Stormwater Utility, IN
A certified MS4 specialist and certified watershed management professional with over 20 years of experience, Matt has implemented an innovative award winning municipal stormwater program that includes low impact development requirements. Previously, Matt was the Statewide Programs Coordinator well as the Statewide Urban Forester for Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and also led successful initiatives that oversee design and installation of soil & water conservation practices on urban and agricultural lands throughout the State of Indiana. More Info
Jamie McCarthy
Sustainable Development Coordinator, City of Kalamazoo, MI
Kevin Meindl
Planning Commissioner & Transportation Council MPO Director, Chemung County, NY
Kyla Predergast
Senior Environmental Planner, Department of City Planning, City of Pittsburgh, PA
Carrie Rivette
Wastewater/Stormwater Maintenance Superintendent, City of Grand Rapids, MI
Brandy Siedlaczek
Storm Water Manager, City of Southfield, MI
Joanne So Young Dill
Chief of Strategy and External Affairs for Commissioner Marcelino Garcia at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Chicago, IL
Joanne directs policy research, facilitates public-private partnerships, and throughout her career has focused on designing innovative environmental projects. A native of the Beantown, previously, she was Director of Strategic Initiatives at Friends of the Chicago River and currently serves on the Board of the Great Lakes Protection Fund. More Info
Olivia Sparrow
Manager – Stormwater Programs, City of Brampton, ON, Canada
Melissa (Missy) Stults, Ph.D.
Sustainability and Innovations Manager, City of Ann Arbor, MI
Ellen Tarquinio
Program Leader, Environmental Finance Advisory Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
Nadia Vogt
Resiliency Officer, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, WI
Nadia Vogt is a Senior Project Manager with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. Nadia works across municipal, private and public sectors to effectively engage stakeholders in decision making around regional resilience. Nadia specializes in project development that leverages investments in
water resources to bring about additional triple bottom line benefits for communities with a focus on climate change and environmental justice populations. More Info
Lisa Wallick, P.E.
Manager, Permitting & Stormwater Management Group (PSMG) Manager, Detroit Water & Sewerage Department (DWSD), Detroit, MI
Lisa is responsible for launching Detroit’s first stormwater ordinance, the drainage green credit program, and installation of DWSD’s green infrastructure capital improvement projects. Having spent a majority of her career as a professional consultant specializing in municipal wastewater treatment facilities with emphasis on planning and managing wet weather flow capacities, she brings extensive knowledge of the region’s combined sewer overflow system and treatment facilities, as well as the Environment Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements.
Aaron Ward, P. Eng.
Project Leader – Infrastructure & Operations Department, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Lori Welch
Sustainability Coordinator, City of Lansing, MI
Abby Zielinski
Sustainability Coordinator, Village of Oak Park, IL
Project Team
Barbara Hopkins
Executive Director, Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange, Philadelphia, PA
Sanjiv Sinha, Ph.D., P.E.
RISC Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Corvias Infrastructure Solutions, LLC (CIS), Ann Arbor, MI
Sri Vedachalam, Ph.D.
Director - Equity & Climate Resilience, CIS, Washington, D.C
Sri is a water policy specialist, bringing experience from his years in government, non-profit and consulting. He has advised large foundation, non-profits, and government agencies on a wide range of issues including affordability, financing, public trust, and equity. He currently serves on the boards of Alliance for the Great Lakes and the communications nonprofit Water Hub.
William (Bill) Schleizer
CEO, The Delta Institute, Chicago, IL
Mélina Blanc
Lead, Nature-Based Climate Solutions, Delta Institute, Chicago, IL